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Writer's pictureJulie Gile

3 Strategies for Maximizing Your Marketing Dollars

As a small business, every dollar counts. You understand the importance of getting the most out of your limited marketing budget, which means tapping into only the best strategies to reach “your people”.

As a dedicated brand photographer, I have the privilege of seeing the inner workings of many businesses. I know what it takes to build a business from the ground up, and I’ve heard which marketing tactics work (and which ones DON’T work) from your peers.

Let’s talk about the top three ways you can maximize your marketing dollars and achieve measurable results for your brand.

Capture Multiple Seasons in One Photography Session

Custom brand photography is one of the best investments you can make in your business. But that doesn’t mean you need to be in front of a photographer every few weeks. One of the best ways to stretch your marketing budget is by shooting for multiple seasons in one session.

A well-planned photo shoot can yield a diverse set of hand-polished images that can be used throughout the year. By capturing several seasonal themes in a single shoot, you save both time and money.

Imagine having a collection of professional images that feature you, your team, and/or your products or services in different seasonal contexts. This approach not only adds versatility to your marketing materials but also helps you maximize the impact of each image.

Focus on Your Core Offerings

The name of the game is quality over quantity. Many small business owners make the mistake of adding too many offerings under their brand, diluting their message and stretching their marketing budget thin. While it’s OK to be multi-passionate, this can sometimes result in a confusing marketing message.

To avoid this pitfall, identify your core offerings and stick to them. By focusing your marketing budget just on your key products or services, you establish a strong identity in the minds of your target audience.

If you still want to add some diverse offers to the mix, you can introduce seasonal specials or limited-time promotions that create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. This focused approach ensures that your marketing efforts are more impactful, cost-effective, and align with the core needs of your customers.

Harness the Power of Google My Business

Your IG and FB posts scroll by and have little to no shelf life. Putting a concentrated effort into my Google listing has been one of the best investments in my brand. I’m shocked at how many local entrepreneurs aren’t using this free tool! Think of it as another landing page for your business.

The first step is just to optimize your Google My Business profile. Set it up with your current website, social media platforms, hours, address, etc. Then, start asking your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business page. Positive reviews act as powerful endorsements and help build trust with potential customers.

Then, take time to regularly update your photos on your Google profile, which should include attractive images of your storefront if you have a physical location. You can also feature high-quality images of your team, you, and your products/services that will make your business more appealing to your audience.

The best part? Once you optimize your Google My Business profile, your content stays visible and relevant, providing long-term search engine benefits - just like a website.

I know it's essential to make every dollar count in your marketing efforts. By implementing the strategies outlined above, I hope you can stretch your marketing budget and achieve the growth you’re chasing.

Remember, successful marketing doesn't have to be expensive - it just requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. During our Brand Strategy session, we’ll review what’s working and where you have room to grow so our gallery is full of images to meet your goals.

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